Reliable Furnace Maintenance in Midland TX

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Are you hoping to avoid costly heating and air conditioning services this winter? The key to keeping your electric furnace, ductless HVAC system, boiler, heat pump, or gas furnace in peak operating condition is regular annual maintenance. When you make routine heater maintenance a priority, you can expect fewer breakdowns, extended furnace life, and a decrease in monthly heating costs.

Home heating maintenance is relatively affordable compared to a significant furnace repair that occurs when your system is left unchecked. With our trained, courteous technicians available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, to perform maintenance on your system, there is no reason to skip furnace maintenance. When you turn to Edwards Air Conditioning and Heating for comprehensive furnace maintenance, our extensive checklist ensures many years of successful operation.

Furnace Maintenance Near Me

A search for “furnace maintenance near me” yields so many results that it can be impossible to know which service to choose. Not all companies are created equal, and you want to make sure you’re getting the best value and professional expertise.

At Edwards Air Conditioning and Heating, we know the value of annual maintenance when it comes to keeping your home comfortable in the winter months. Turning on the heat only to find it doesn’t work will ruin your day. Furnace maintenance catches those problems before you need warmth in your home.

Routine maintenance is not just a ploy to sell you a service contract. It is a reliable way to keep your heating system from bogging down with wear and tear issues that we can resolve with an annual visit. When we keep the minor problems from leading to an enormous HVAC repair cost, the maintenance pays for itself.

Heater maintenance is not only about fixing mechanisms but also focuses on resolving safety issues. For instance, the blower motor can stop working due to corrosion or overheating. When you notice that your furnace is not blowing air, the blower motor probably needs repair.

Another common problem happens when bugs or spiders get in the hot surface ignitor. When the weather turns chilly and you turn on the heat, the presence of the bugs causes the ignitor to short out. Hot surface ignitors typically last from 5 to 10 years, so depending on the age of your unit, they could need replacement.

Furnace Maintenance Service You Can Depend On

Your heating and air conditioning system is essential to keeping your home comfortable. Your furnace is also a significant investment, which is why annual maintenance protects your investment. Keeping your system maintained reduces equipment breakdowns, improves service life, and results in fewer HVAC repairs.

A tune-up furnace maintenance service allows our technicians to locate and correct any problems before they require a costly repair. Among the services we will perform are:

Changing the air filter

Assessing carbon monoxide levels

Testing electrical components

Measuring pressure of gas and adjusting if needed

Testing ignition system

Lubricating all motor parts

When our technicians locate an issue that could leave you without heat in the winter, you’ll be glad you aren’t waiting for service with no heat. Compared to the cost of a service call and possibly expensive repair, home heating maintenance is quite affordable.

While heater maintenance might not be foremost on your mind, it’s smart to give it some thought before the cold weather arrives.

Furnace Tune-Up Near Me

All furnaces can benefit from a tune-up in the fall before you start using them again. When you search for a “furnace tune-up near me,” not all HVAC companies have the same experience and reputation. At Edwards Air Conditioning and Heating, we stand apart with our thorough and professional tune-up service.

Like changing the oil in the car, a furnace tune-up keeps your heating system operating smoothly. An annual tune-up increases the efficiency of your furnace and helps your home stay warm during the cold months. When you save money and avoid the hassle of turning on your furnace only to find it doesn’t work, you will be glad for the furnace tune-up.

Most furnaces today have smart controls that account for system efficiency, outdoor temperature, and humidity levels. Every unit has a warranty and often there are extended warranties available for purchase. You can rely on our expertise and industry experience to guide you to the right home comfort solution for your home.

This budget-friendly service is also a great way to keep your HVAC warranty intact. As a bonus, our licensed technicians will inspect your water heater at the same time to ensure that you have plenty of hot water for warm showers on those cold winter days. The annual tune-up offers several critical services all for one low price.

Whether you need furnace repair, furnace maintenance, furnace installation, or an annual tune-up, Edwards Air Conditioning and Heating will keep your heating system in proper working order. For reliable, trustworthy furnace maintenance and all furnace services, call us at 432-488-9090 at any time of the day or night. We’re the company you can rely on for all your furnace needs.

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